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Barco Residential Bragi Cinemascope
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Bragi Cinemascope
4K UHD hemmabioprojektor
Bragi Cinemascope har fått sitt namn från en historisk poet från 800-talet. Hans dikter var så utomordentligt konstfulla och gripande att efterföljande generationer föreställde sig att Oden vid hans död hade utsett honom till Valhalls hovpoet. Bragi är även Balders bror och har ärvt Balders formspråk, optiska kärna och objektiv. Bragi kommer att ha samma PULSE elektronik- och mjukvaruplattform som drivs av en revolutionerande ny LED-motor.
Ljusstyrka: upp till 2200 lumen
Objektiv väljs efter projektets utformning. Länk till linskalkylator finns längst ned.
Using Barco’s renowned Pulse electronic and software platform, Bragi CinemaScope is powered by a revolutionary, new, high lumens density (HLD) RGB LED light engine.
Bragi takes its name from an historical ninth-century poet. His poems were so outstandingly artful and moving that subsequent generations imagined that, upon his death, Odin had appointed him the court poet of Valhalla.
Bragi, being Balder’s brother and inherits the same design philosophy, optical core and lenses.
Our Pulse platform is packed with features that will improve the overall customer experience, improve picture quality and simplify integration;
Bragi uses a unique HLD RGB LED engine developed by Barco. This technology emits four times the light of regular LED technology.
Barco Residential has a unique way to detect and manage aspect ratios within our cinemascope projectors called Cropping.
Pairing with a supported control system, results in minimal user interaction when selecting aspect ratios for projector and screen.
Barco’s web interface: Prospector, provides quick and simple configuration and calibration of Pulse projectors, along with monitoring and diagnostic tools.
Warp & Blend
Warping is the process of digitally manipulating an image to compensate for alignment distortions.
Blending allows multiple projectors to be seamlessly combined to create unique digital canvas solutions.
RealColor is Barco's proprietary color management system, enabling simple and accurate calibration to your desired color gamut or white point.
Low latency is desirable to achieve that smoother gameplay and user experience we all want, without input lag. If latency is >30ms, your gaming experience will be compromised, Barco’s latency is <20ms (including all image processing).
Professional grade opticsBy basing Bragi Cinemascope's optical engine on its bigger brother Balder Cinemascope's architecture, incorporating custom designed aspherical glass elements and enhanced low dispersion glass lenses, image quality is in a class of its own.
Topping that, Bragi’s chassis and core are built from aluminium and magnesium, which offer exceptional robustness, resulting in the best picture quality ever shown at this level.
State of the art electronics
Thanks to our unique single step processing technology (SSPTM), Pulse electronics are designed to process 4K UHD, HDMI 2.0a, HDCP 2.2 and HDR10 signals with extremely low latency.
Bragi CinemaScope uses the very latest 0.9" DMD DLP chipset, to display flawless 5K UHD (5,120 × 2,160 px), 2.37:1 aspect ratio images on screen.
Our unique aspect ratio detection system, automatically crops and scales content to fit the appropriate screen area, ranging from 1.78:1 to 2.39:1.
Manual cropping is also available for custom configurations such as cinemascope subtitle support, where only the top black bar (letterboxing) is removed, preserving the subtitles at the foot of the image.
Combining HLD LED illumination with regular LED colors which appear more saturated, the human eye is tricked to interpret this as richer, brighter colors than they are physically measured. Bragi also includes a motorized DCI/P3 filter for improved HDR color accuracy.
Additionally, Barco’s RealColor processing enables simple and accurate calibration to your desired color gamut or white point.
Barco linskalkylator
Modellbeskrivning | |
Bragi Cinemascope |
Typ av produkt
Projektor |
HD-typ (upplösning)
5K |
Typ av projektor
DLP, Single chip |
Tekniska specifikationer | |
2.37:1 (Cinemascope) |
Upplösning (B x H)
5120 x 2160 |
Typ av ljuskälla
Ljuskällans livslängd
Beroende på Brightness mode: upp till 50.000 timmar |
Upp till 2200 ANSI Lumen |
Max 30 - 33 dB(A) dB |
Optik | |
Lens shift
Upp till 122% vertikalt och upp till 40% horisontellt (beroende på val av objektiv) |
Bildingångar / utgångar | |
1 |
1 (HDCP 1.4 - 9Gbps only) |
2 (1.2) |
HDMI-specifikationer | |
HDCP 2.2 |
HDMI 2.0 |
Bildspecifikationer | |
Stöd för 3D
Ja |
Inbyggd 3D-sändare
Nej |
Vid stöd för 3D, kompletterande information
Ytterligare hårdvara krävs. Vänligen kontakta oss för info |
Aktiv |
Övriga ingångar och utgångar | |
Ja |
3 (2 x Rear, 1 x Front) |
Nätverk | |
Ethernet (LAN)
Ja |
Energi, strömförsörjning och miljö | |
Energiförbrukning i drift
Normalt 500 W. Max 570 W |
Mått och vikt | |
450 mm |
255 mm |
482 mm |
Förtydligande gällande angiven Bredd / Höjd / Djup
Mått exkl. objektiv |
21.5 kg |
Förtydligande gällande angiven vikt
Vikt exkl. objektiv |