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Pro-Ject Phono Box RS2
18 990 kr
Helt balanserat, helt diskret RIAA-steg (phono-förstärkare) av högsta klass
RIAA-steg i referensklass med unik impedanskontroll
Phono Box RS2 är den ultimata förstärkaren, av högsta klass. Den är helt balanserad från ingång till utgång. Elektroniken är helt diskret, inga op-amps (operativa förstärkare) används och den använder uppdelad passiv RIAA och DECA-equalisation.
• MM & MC kapabilitet
• Helt balanserad, äkta dubbel mono-design
• Helt diskret hårdvarudesign - INGA op-förstärkare!
• Helt passiv RIAA och DECCA-equalisation
• Balanserad XLR & obalanserad RCA In & utgångar
• Unik kontinuerligt variabel ingångsimpedansbelastning och kanalbalanskontroll för att matcha varje pickup till 100% (justering även när du spelar)
• Överlägset lågt brus / låg distorsion
• Metallhölje skyddar mot vibrationer och störningar
• Finns i silver eller svart
Diskreta kretsar
En diskret krets består av elektroniska komponenter som är olika, enskilda enheter, även kallade diskreta komponenter. Dessa kan vara "passiva" komponenter, som motstånd, kondensatorer och induktorer, liksom "aktiva" komponenter, som i detta fall är transistorer. Motsatsen till detta skulle vara en integrerad krets som använder operativa förstärkare (Op-Amps) i signalkedjan. Otaliga timmar med lyssningstest och många års erfarenhet har visat Pro-Ject att även de allra bästa Op-förstärkarna inte tenderar att vara så neutrala, naturliga, dynamiska eller levande. Vanliga phono-förstärkare med integrerade kretsar har några tiotals eller hundratals komponenter, men diskret design kommer att använda hundratals eller tusentals komponenter som jämförelse. Det ger en utökad och dyrare designprocess, men resulterar i det bästa ljudet för dina pengar.
Fully Balanced
The Phono Box RS2 employs a true fully balanced design principle. Balanced transmissions consist of a hot and a cold (also called + and -) signal. Both the + and – signal chains effectively carry the same musical information. A true balanced amplifier can now extract the final musical information out the +/- signals and subtract, remove, all noise that could potentially be added along the transmission. In a true, fully balanced amplifier, like the Phono Box RS2, the + and – sections of both the left and right channel are treated individually, which doubles the amplifier sections by 2 as a result.
Split passive EQ
The Phono Box RS2 uses split passive equalization for both of its RIAA and DECA curves. This is more costly to design and implement but ensures the most accurate representation of the ideal EQ curve. Split passive equalization allows for better impedance matching and lower deviation from the ideal RIAA or DECA curve.
Extreme cartridge loading options
No other phono-preamp in the world has such fine options of setting the gain like the Phono Box RS2. Very large ranges from 40dB (voltage amplification by 100x) up to 70dB (voltage amplification by 3690x) are possible.
Load impedance can be set continuously via potentiometer, a system invented by Pro-Ject Audio Systems. It allows you to seamlessly adjust the impedance during playback and immediately assess the impact of different loading options.
Cartridges, by nature, suffer from small imbalances between the left and right channels. To correct this the Phono Box RS2 introduces a new feature that is absolutely rare in this price category. A potentiometer allows you to adjust the exact center of the sound stage in ranges of 2dB to the left or right.
Steel/aluminium chassis
The Phono Box RS2 has a steel chassis which is covered by screwed aluminium panels. This construction brings very good rigidity and splendid isolation against interferences.
Power Box RS2 Phono – linear power supply upgrade
An outboard power supply with linear construction is even better, because it can offer much cleaner power. When you want to manufacture such clean and really high-end power supplies, you have to use a transformer with a very low core saturation and preferably with shielding between primary and secondary windings. Obviously, such a transformer becomes larger than one would expect. Also, much more expensive. That is why such a power supply requires a cabinet the size of the Phono Box RS2 itself. An external linear power supply for the Phono Box RS2 will also power Pro-Ject turntables and be another step up in turntable and Phono Box RS2 performance. (Available soon!)
Modellbeskrivning | |
Phono Box RS2 |
Egenskaper / Kompatibilitet | |
Kompatibel med MM-pickuper
Ja |
Kompatibel med MC-pickuper
Ja |