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Rega Fono MC MK4
3 990 kr
Fono MC är ett exceptionellt högkvalitativt MC riaa-steg som är utformat för att maximera potentialen hos alla MC-pickuper. Fono MC använder en linjär förstärkare med låg ljudnivå LSK389 FET i ett helt diskret ingångssteg där lågt brus och linjäritet är avgörande för att få ut det mesta av en MC-pickup. På grund av FET:s höga ingångsimpedans är effekten av förstärkarkretsen minimala och påverkar inte pickupens prestanda.
Key Features
• Dedicated moving coil phono stage
• Simple connectivity and operation
• Fully adjustable via DIP switches located on the rear panel
• MUSE operational amplifier used in RIAA equalization amplifier
• Two selectable gain settings
• Default factory settings matched for all Rega MC models
• Latest design custom casework
A MUSE operational amplifier is used in the RIAA equalization amplifier. Polypropylene capacitors have been used in the signal path and in the RIAA equalization circuits. There is selectable input loading for both resistance and capacitance along with two different gain settings located on the back panel making the Fono MC MK4 compatible with most low output MC cartridges. The new Fono MC MK4 circuit resulted from the development work carried out on the hugely successful Aria phono amplifier.
The aesthetic design of the Fono MC MK4 was as important as the quality of its electrical capabilities, so it benefits from the same new aluminium case as the Rega Neo MK2 PSU and Fono MM MK5 phono stage, giving it a design which offers a familiar feel and moreover brings it in line with its illustrious bigger brothers.
Technical Specifications
Output Impedance
200 Ω
Recommended Minimum Output Load Resistance
5 k
Frequency Response (50 kΩ Output Load)
13 Hz (-3 dB) to 100 kHz (-0.3 dB)
RIAA Accuracy (50 kΩ Output Load)
Better than ±0.2 dB 100 Hz to 100 kHz
Power Requirements
24 V AC at 150 mA maximum
Load settings for adjustable MC stages
Input Sensitivity (for 200 mV Output)
4 off = 133 uV / 4 on = 67 uV
Input Loading Resistance
1 and 2 off = 400 Ω / 1 on = 100 Ω / 2 on = 150 Ω / 1 and 2 on = 70 Ω
Input Loading Capacitance
3 off = 1000 pF / 3 on = 4300 pF / Gain (at 1 kHz) / 4 off = 63.5 dB / 4 on = 69.5 dB
Maximum Input Level (at 1 kHz)
4 off = 6.7 mV / 4 on = 3.4 mV
Factory settings for all Rega MC cartridges
Impedance 100 Ω / Capacitance 1000 pF / Gain Setting High
Modellbeskrivning | |
Fono MC MK4 |
Egenskaper / Kompatibilitet | |
Kompatibel med MC-pickuper
Ja |