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Yamaha NS-5000

Yamahas flaggskeppshögtalare. En 3-vägs bokhyllehögtalare som sätter en ny standard för kvalitet och prestanda.
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Introducerar Yamahas nya flaggskeppshögtalare. En 3-vägs bokhyllehögtalare som sätter en ny standard för kvalitet och prestanda, vilken alla andra HiFi-högtalare bör mätas efter.

• Nyutvecklade membran med en akustisk hastighet jämförbar med beryllium.
• Nyutvecklade resonanskammare som dämpar oönskade resonanser i mellanregistret och de högre frekvenserna.
• 30 cm (12”) 3-vägs högtalare i bokylledesign som är en vidareutveckling av den legendariska NS-1000M
• Noggrant utformat kabinett gjort av laminerad plywood från Japansk vit björk som växer på ön Hokkaido.
• Nyutvecklade akustiska absorbenter låter oss ta bort ljudabsorberande material från högtalaren så att musikens ursprungliga närhet kan träda fram.
• Med samma högglansfinish som våra flyglar utstrålar NS-5000 en exklusiv känsla.
• Avancerade delningsfilter
• 2+3 - Utökad 5 års garanti via produktregistrering


Speaker Units

Newly developed diaphragms boast acoustic velocity comparable to that of beryllium

NS-5000's tweeter, midrange, and woofer all feature diaphragms made of 100%*1 ZYLON® — a synthetic fiber created in Japan rated as the world’s strongest*2 and boasting optimum elasticity — using Yamaha’s original monel alloy vapor coating deposition method. The soft-dome diaphragm suppresses peaks and dips in the frequency response caused by the inherent resonance of the diaphragm, while taking advantage of ZYLON®'s high acoustic velocity comparable to that of beryllium, considered as the ideal diaphragm material for its hardness, lightweight (low density), and stiffness. The result is a remarkably flat frequency response, with unified tone color and acoustic velocity over the entire frequency range, providing comfortable listening experience and meticulously accurate, superb sound reproduction of the highest degree.

*1 Using 100% for the base material.
*2 Comparative data concerning all existing organic fibers (source: Toyobo Co., Ltd., May 2015)

Newly developed R.S. (Resonance Suppression) Chambers suppress unwanted resonance in the mid and high ranges

Mounted on the back of the tweeter and midrange speaker units are newly developed R.S. Chambers (patent pending) that suppress unnecessary tube resonance generated behind the diaphragm. Two specially shaped tubes installed in accordance with our proprietary acoustic analysis cancel tube resonance. These R.S. Chambers achieve higher-resolution audio reproduction by eliminating the need for a large quantity of sound-absorbing material inside the enclosure that tends to smooth the frequency response of each speaker unit and might degrade minute nuances of the sound.


30 cm (12”) 3-way bookshelf design draws on the tradition of the legendary NS-1000M

As a result of meticulous research on a variety of enclosure designs during the development of the NS-5000, we chose a bookshelf design as a successor to the continuing legacy of the NS-1000M (released in 1974), the pinnacle of Yamaha monitor speakers. This bass-reflex enclosure with an internal volume of 65 liters — the smallest possible size for a 30 cm (12”) 3-way configuration — is solidly assembled with the 3-way mitered joint construction technique and other traditional crafting methods. Reinforcing crosspieces inside the enclosure, based on FEM analysis, suppress “box ringing” caused by delayed vibration from the six surfaces of the enclosure. In addition, a twisted flare port prevents port noise (wind noise produced at each end of a bass reflex port) inherent in the bass reflex design, and improves resolution in the low frequency range while also enhancing signal-to-noise performance.

Carefully crafted laminated plywood enclosure made of Japanese white birch from the island of Hokkaido

In selecting a material for the enclosure of the NS-5000, we carried out comprehensive studies of mechanical strength and acoustic properties of various materials, as well as the quality of domestic wood processed by painstakingly removing every knot and hole from the lumber and ensuring the durability necessary to withstand long use; we settled on laminated plywood made of white birch from the island of Hokkaido. Moreover, the birch wood is harvested with ecoforestry techniques, extracting timber from ecologically protective forest thinning, for environmental considerations. The front baffle is 29.5 mm (1-1/8”) thick and the other five sides of the enclosure 20 mm (3/4”) (in all cases, omitting paint primer layer and paint thickness), ensuring ideal rigidity of the entire enclosure.

Newly developed Acoustic Absorber eliminates sound-absorbing material to revive the original presence of the music

The cuboid enclosure unifies internal standing waves at a specified frequency, which are cancelled by a newly developed Acoustic Absorber (patent pending). This technology eliminates the previous need for the huge amount of sound-absorbing material inside the enclosure. The result is the virtual elimination of standing waves with amazing efficiency and pin-point accuracy — to energetically revive the essential presence of music, formerly lost by sound absorption.

Glossy black piano finish provides improved signal-to-noise performance — and adds to the luxurious joy of ownership

All six external surfaces of the enclosure have a glossy black piano finish created using the same dedicated paint, primer, and polishing processes used for Yamaha’s renowned grand pianos. The uniform and hard membrane further increases the overall rigidity of the enclosure, and at the same time it suppresses fine vibrations, contributing to the bright sound and significantly enhanced signal-to-noise performance.

Crossover Network

All drivers in the NS-5000 are connected in positive phase with single wiring to deliver a natural, pleasing listening experience. Components of its crossover network are mounted on a double-sided printed circuit board with extra-thick copper traces of 140 μ in thickness; a shorter signal path on the circuit board minimises the loss of sound data during transmission. Moreover, in order to minimise signal loss, we used for the network handpicked parts of only the highest quality, such as the MCap SUPREME EVO audio capacitor, which is made by Mundorf of Germany and renowned as the pinnacle of audio-use capacitor, Mundorf’s MResist SUPREME attenuator, and a woofer coil that weighs as much as 1.6 kg (3.52 lbs.).

Speaker Stand (SPS-5000)

The SPS-5000 is a speaker stand especially designed for the NS-5000. In order to design a stand that solidly supports the NS-5000 without emanating any undesired sound, the four legs are composed of solid aluminium. The legs have smooth curved surfaces and are all installed at an angle of 42° to the baffle surface so as to minimise the effect of the reflection of sound from the speaker. In addition, in order that the height of a seated listener’s ears matches the height of the tweeter of the NS-5000, the stand is set to a height of 304 mm (12”) (including spikes) — higher than that of a normal 30 cm (12”) bookshelf speaker, so that reflections from the floor surface are minimised. The legs are equipped with spikes that can be attached or detached as desired, allowing fine height adjustment.

Stativ är tillval.

Jämför produkt
Aktiv/passiv modell Beskriver om högtalaren är aktiv eller passiv. Passiva högtalare ansluts till en förstärkare via högtalarkabel. Aktiva högtalare har inbyggd förstärkare och behöver därför ingen extra förstärkning. De aktiva ansluts till ett vägguttag (portabla modeller är batteridrivna). Om aktiva högtalarna säljs i par, ansluts ibland endast ena högtalaren till elnätet, varvid andra högtalaren ansluts till den strömförsörjda huvudhögtalaren.
Trådlös anslutningsteknik Avser om högtalaren har teknologi för att kunna ta emot ljud trådlöst (t ex via inbyggd Bluetooth eller nätverksfunktion). Trådlösa högtalare behöver dock alltid anslutas till ett eluttag (bortsett från batteridrivna som endast kräver detta för uppladdning). Står det "Tillval" här, innebär det att man behöver komplettera med märkesspecifikt tillbehör (mottagare och/eller sändare).
Nätverk Avser om högtalaren har inbyggd nätverksfunktion (dvs något av LAN, WiFi och/eller AirPlay), eller nätverk via eventuell medföljande hub.
Tekniska specifikationer
Typ av lådkonstruktion
Antal element
Impedans Motstånd. Ett mått på hur lätt eller svår enheten är att driva.
6 ohms (minimum 3.5 ohms)
26 - 40.000 Hz (-10dB), -100.000 Hz (-30dB) Hz
3 cm (1-1/4”) dome type
8 cm (3-1/4”) dome type
30 cm (12”) cone type
750 Hz / 4.5 kHz
Mått och vikt
395 mm
690 mm
381 mm
Vikt För högtalare som säljs parvis, är vikt per högtalare angiven.
35.0 kg